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Why would you want to buy 100% VG?

Why would you want to buy 100% VG?

Hey vape enthusiasts, we’re going to be discussing some common questions about 100% VG e-liquids and why someone would elect to choose a juice with no Propylene Glycol. We’re hoping this information will help clear the air about 100% VG. Let’s jump right in.

Why would you want to buy 100% VG
There are a few reasons, but one of the most common is that some people are actually allergic to Propylene Glycol. While the extent of the allergy may be different from person to person, it still needs to be taken seriously. The most common issue here is that there are two kinds of labeling for 100% VG e-juices, and that is simply calling it 100% VG, and then there is Max VG. While they both can mean the same thing, in some cases a “Max VG” juice does not mean there is no propylene glycol present. If you have an allergy, it is important that you contact the manufacturer of the juice and find out if it contains any traces of propylene glycol before you make your purchase.

Another reason people elect for 100% VG is the sweetness. Between the two major ingredients PG and VG, VG is undoubtedly the sweeter ingredient and that is sometimes enough to make people lean toward it over 70/30 or 50/50 juices.

The third reason is that VG is the ingredient that helps produce large clouds from your vaporizer. It’s much more viscous than PG, and has a higher vaporizing temperature. If you have the right equipment to vape a 100% VG e-juice, you can expect to see some much thicker and larger clouds with each drag.

Ways to vape 100% VG
The best way to vape 100% VG is by using either a rebuildable atomizer (RBA) or a sub ohm tank. These both can be set up to heat the juice faster by drawing more power from the batteries, which will assist with the higher vaporizing point VG requires.

Common Misconceptions
“100% VG has more flavor” While we are reluctant to say this is entirely untrue, propylene glycol actually carries a lot more flavor, it’s just that 100% VG is a lot sweeter. So if your only judgement of a flavor is how sweet it is, then yeah, you can say this has a stronger flavor. If you want to claim it has a better flavor profile, or a stronger taste of the flavor itself, then you’re probably describing a juice that at least contains some PG.

“100% VG is a cleaner vaping experience” Again, not entirely true or false, some people like to associate the “cleaner vaping experience” with lacking the possibility for allergens. You may find that you can’t tell the difference between a juice blend and a 100% VG juice when you taste it. This may have also stemmed from the fact that VG produces a smoother vaping experience, as PG lends to the “throat hit” some people enjoy and others dislike in their juices.

Are there any downsides to vaping 100% VG?
While they aren’t horrible, some of the downsides can affect your decision to choose to vape these types of juices. The high viscosity of VG tends to “gunk up” your coils if you’re using a RBA which can turn some vapers off of 100% VG. Many 100% VG flavors are relatively flavorless apart from natural sweetener in the VG, so this could lead to a poor vaping experience overall. The higher vaporizing point may also lead to quicker battery draining due to having to fire the mod for longer to get the required amount of vapor into your lungs per drag.

100% VG juices aren’t for everyone, neither are they any kind of detriment to the vaping experience. Having knowledge of the juice you are vaping is important, and we hope our guide has shed some light on what you can expect if you give some 100% VG juices a try.

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