We all have long held, sacred holiday traditions with the people around us. Whether that includes snuggling up by the fire, fighting over the turkey or fishing through channels to find the perfect holiday movie that encompasses your present mood (or a combination of all three), one thing that seems to be the same within nearly every family is how different the “holiday boundaries” of each individual are.
And when it comes to vaping, involving blowing a copious amount of vapor into the air that also happens to be heavily scented, there are some folks who don’t take too kindly to having that in their “holiday space.” Here are a few ways you can remain courteous, while also enjoying vaping, throughout the upcoming holiday season:
- Take it to another room: This one is fairly simple and while it may be inconvenient for you at the moment, it will avoid a lot of unnecessary complaints and drama from people who don’t appreciate being around vapor. You can head to a guest room, or even outside, and take a moment to really enjoy your flavor while avoiding meal areas, as well as other sensitive areas of the house (this is especially true if you’re visiting someone for the Holidays).
- Don’t Spill eJuice: While this isn’t a huge deal to most vapors, the concept of an oily substance lingering on tables and napkins can be a nightmare for a holiday host. We recommend you carry a napkin in your pocket to ensure that you wipe off your mod, as well as the surfaces you’ve placed it on, after using it.
- Don’t “outdo” other vapers: If there’s another vaper in your family, fantastic! However, don’t use the holidays as an opportunity to “outdo” them. Whether that means picking up the hottest new mods and rubbing it in their faces or hosting a cloud-blowing competition in your living room...just...don't.
Hint at vape gear on your Holiday list: What’s a better way to stay vaping this holiday season than actually putting it on your wishlist for the holidays? Just imagine unwrapping a neat little gift, only to find that mod or eJuice you’ve been waiting to buy FOREVER (P.S. eJuices.com has really awesome sales all throughout the Holiday season, so keep an eye out)! Once you have that vape gear in hand, though, be sure to follow steps 1-3 on this list!
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