Fastest Vape Shipping
Fastest Vape Shipping
WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
The coronavirus has been a hot news item for a while, and the media has attempted to warn vapers off of vaping because of the coronavirus. While the industry is on notice because of hardware manufacturing issues in China as previously mentioned, the misinformation campaign is well underway in the United States, as people are hoarding essentials such as toilet paper, as well as items such as masks and hand sanitizer. Misinformation about the coronavirus is being spread on social media, much like misinformation about vaping.
A well-informed individual may want to examine the hype around vaping and the coronavirus. Since vaping directly affects the respiratory system, one could easily create a negative association between vaping and the coronavirus. However, we believe it is important that you examine the hype rather than jump to a conclusion. Public health officials around the United States and even New York City mayor Bill de Blasio are encouraging people to quit vaping. There is still not enough evidence on whether or not vaping will affect the disease progression or the infection rate of coronavirus.
This may go without saying for anything in particular—don’t share drinks, food, etc. with people in public areas. Don’t share vapes with anyone as coronavirus can be transmitted through cough droplets as well as unsanitary conditions. If you’re using another person’s vape and they aren’t fans of cleaning it, the chances of contamination with the coronavirus significantly increases.
You might want to try out the latest eJuices and hardware with your friends, but is it really worth risking getting the coronavirus? As much as possible, you might want to vape in private—the privacy of your own room or in a secluded area indoors (if possible) or outside. Some states and jurisdictions may prohibit indoor vaping entirely, so make sure you know your local and state laws regarding vaping.
This is another common-sense tip: clean your devices! Over time, your tank may get dirty and so may the point of contact between you and your vape device. Clean those especially well! Use a Q-tip soaked in propylene glycol or distilled water to clean the inside of your tank. If you need to be thorough, you can also take apart your mod and coils and clean each piece separately in warm water, and dry them accordingly. Make sure you clean your devices and your eJuice bottles on a regular basis!
While you should be doing this regardless of the coronavirus, this is especially important if you are using a variety of eJuices throughout the day, or if you share eJuice bottles with your roommates or significant others. Make sure you use hand sanitizer or soap to effectively reduce the risk of spreading disease.
Have you seen any change in your own vaping behavior because of the coronavirus? Share your experiences with us below!
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