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How many rounds are you willing to vape when it comes to liquor eJuices? Liquor is a small but growing eJuice flavor that some vapers should try out. What are some of the best liquor flavors on We’ll take a look at some of the top liquor eJuices on
If you’re a fan of mixed drinks, you’ll be a fan of this liquor eJuice. Five Pawns eLiquid - Castle Long is a blend of Kentucky bourbon, toasted coconut, roasted almond, Madagascar vanilla bean, all topped off with some caramelized brown sugar. Definitely a best-seller among liquor eJuices. Richard S. says, “An early eJuice production, not for teenagers. It is a complex flavor. Five Pawns is one of your high-end eJuice producers.”
Grab some Drip Line eJuice - Sassperilla on tap—straight from the warehouse! Get that classic root beer flavor straight from the soda fountain and vape it from your setup. One of the more underappreciated liquor eJuices out there. Matthew T. says, “I enjoyed this one. I just received it, but I’m here to order it again.”
If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, then you might want to try out some Mucho eJuice - Pina Colada. Enjoy a splash of coconut milk, savory rum, pineapple garnish, and a strawberry slice. This is the liquor eJuice that you’ve looked for, at least according to Shannon M. “One of the best tasting juices I have had. is a great company, great prices, and great customer service.”
Get that vape juice that will bring you straight to the poolside with a tropical drink in your hand. Must Vape eJuice - Handlebar puts together a tropical margarita liquor eJuice consisting of peaches and pineapple as well as other undertones of tropical flavors. Jon B. says, “This is a classic juice one of the first handful of flavors I had when I first started vaping 4 years ago. Classic flavor and ADV.”
Make it a double! Goldleaf Drip - Don eLiquid puts bourbon and cream together for a sophisticated vaping experience. This liquor eJuice is rounded out by subtle notes of chocolate, coffee, and pecans. Ernesto C. says, “This is my all-time favorite juice, and nearly impossible to find in stores. I’m so glad I found it on You got a long-term customer.”
That’s all for our top 5 liquor flavors on! Do you have any you want to recommend? Let us know in the comments below!
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