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The State of Vape: Where Do The Candidates Stand?

The State of Vape: Where Do The Candidates Stand?

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Jose Alvarez, - March 13, 2020

Hello Sylvia,

Thank you for reading and commenting on the blog. Candidates’ positions change over time so these stances may be completely different in a month or two, or even a week from now. However, we encourage our readers to keep searching for answers and to inform themselves and others about issues in the vaping industry.

Sylvia - March 3, 2020

My vote is already decided. I believe my candidate doesn’t want small businesses to close? My fear is people will air their own justices, and the harm of people not knowing what they’re adding is frightening.

Victoria Martin - February 24, 2020

So all we have are hell no’s and unsures. I think any politicians that would stand FOR vaping are in the small enough minority to be considered unicorns.
The fight is necessary, but exhausting. More disinformation comes out daily despite the CDC coming clean about the THC carts. Locally and nationally, it is on the news almost every freaking day. The general public believes what the media tells them to believe and it feels like we are struggling in quicksand.
No matter the regulations, laws, rules I will continue to vape. I can DIY, build my own coils, use a mech. I will continue to stand up for my rights and I will not hide indoors and do it secretively. So no matter what they do, we will fight. But its no longer an enjoyable fight, and many people are literally fighting for their livelihoods.

Tim W. - February 24, 2020

Which ever candidate wants additional government intrusions into our lives, or business cannot be a positive for any industry.

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