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The CBD Experience

The CBD Experience

On, we have talked about what CBD is and how people use CBD. We used profiles of fictional people who may be able to use CBD. Now, the team has been working to document an authentic, in-house CBD experience. Jose Alvarez of the team (that’s me) has volunteered to undertake a 30-day trial of CBD products.


Who Am I?

I am responsible for much of the blog content and email content that you see on The product I am using is Just CBD Sour Worm Gummies 1000 mg strength. This is my personal experience, although you can also check out other CBD experiences on CBD and Me. I am a 31-year-old working professional who has been interested in CBD for several years due to experiencing fatigue and having issues with mental alertness. I like to play video games, attend gaming conventions, travel, and eat a variety of food.

I would like to improve my mental alertness as well as my quality of life through CBD products. Like many other people’s experiences with CBD, your results may vary and may depend on a number of factors such as the time of day you take CBD as well as your preferred method of consuming CBD. Your diet and lifestyle may also play a part. Since everyone is very different, my personal experiences are not a guarantee that you will have similar results. You can check out vetted CBD products at

Week One

I first started taking CBD on November 6, 2019. I began by taking CBD both at night and during the day to improve restfulness. For more than a decade I regularly would wake up in the middle of the night which led to an unrested feeling the morning. This has also left me fatigued during the day typically manifesting in a lack of focus when the afternoon came around. Immediately, I saw positive results as I have been able to improve restfulness after the first day of consuming CBD. The rest of the week saw considerable improvements regarding waking up with a fully rested feeling.
However, on 11/13/19, at the end of Week One, I noticed a change after consuming a relatively greasy meal at lunch. I had woken up with some head tension before heading to work. I did some research and found out that some studies have reported increased effectiveness of CBD upon eating fatty and/or greasy foods, although this is still unclear and further studies are needed to confirm this. However, I felt that this was a turning point in my CBD experience. Therefore, those on high-fat diets may experience increased effectiveness of CBD even at lower doses as some studies have reported greater amounts of CBD in the bloodstream when fatty or greasy foods are consumed on a regular basis. Overall, the first week of my CBD experience was positive.


Week Two

The diet factor continued to come into play during Week Two, although my rested feeling each morning had improved significantly by this time. I had actually reversed what I had eaten on 11/13/19, avoiding overly greasy and fatty foods the next day. Even though it was just a point in time, I now had significant interest regarding the effects of CBD on one’s diet. Personally, I do not take any special diets. I eat one big meal and several smaller meals during the day. Investigating whether or not diets affect CBD consumption may be a better long-term goal. For this week, my goal is to relieve occasional discomfort during the day.
While discomfort was not a main complaint of mine before the CBD experiment, I had attended a convention in Anaheim, CA three weeks ago that required walking upwards of 20,000 to 30,000 steps a day, and some even more due to the size of the convention. I have been going to this convention since 2016 and experienced great discomfort after each year lasting from one to three weeks. From time to time, this discomfort in my feet will surface after being on my feet for a long time. Over the weekend I had started walking long distances again and had experienced some discomfort after completing a long walk. I took a second CBD edible before bed on 11/16/19 that seemed to relieve the discomfort. At the end of the week, I hope that the goal of relieving discomfort will have a major effect on my quality of life.

What’s your CBD experience? Let us know in the comments below!

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