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STAFF PICKS: Kayla Winter

STAFF PICKS: Kayla Winter

Kayla Winter is the newest addition to the team and works in the Marketing Department. She is responsible for getting the latest deals on out to our customers on social media and manages ambassadors and affiliates. 

That being said, she has her ears to the ground on what everyone is vaping today. She has been vaping since 2011 and carries around two mods containing different juices for variety in the offices. “It’s hard to pick only five flavors,” she said. So here are five (among the many) of her favorite eJuices.


Halcyon Vapors - Cran Ch’i

Halcyon Vapors - Cran Ch’i
One of her favorite flavors is Halcyon Vapors - Cran Ch’i. This is understandable as it not only has a significant presence in the warehouse, but also can be found at many desks of employees. “This eJuice is amazing. The flavor and the throat hit are on point,” she says.


Rockt Punch Giant Sized E-Juice - Ultra Magnetic Fruitloop

Rockt Punch Giant Sized E-Juice - Ultra Magnetic Fruitloop
When we look at some of the eJuice flavors on, we’re blown away by the names of the flavors and their complexity. Kayla is a fan of Rockt Punch Giant Sized E-Juice - Ultra Magnetic Fruitloop. “Two words: keto-friendly!” she says. “I am on a highly restrictive diet and can no longer enjoy a big bowl of fruity cereal. With this eJuice, I don’t even miss the cereal!”



Neon Bacon - Slush’d
While it has cooled off a bit, it’s still pretty hot when you step outside the offices. That’s why Neon Bacon - Slush’d is a flavor Kayla likes. “Back in the day, my grandmother would get us blue slushies,” she says. “The flavor of this eJuice brings back the precious memories of these summer vacations. The perk? My tongue doesn’t turn blue.”

Beard Vape Co. - #32 Cinnamon Funnel Cake

Beard Vape Co. - #32 Cinnamon Funnel Cake
Beard Vape Co. - #32 Cinnamon Funnel Cake is a hit among both customers and the staff. It’s no surprise Kayla loves this flavor. “From the first time I smelled this juice, it was a favorite. The flavor is intense and the cloud is amazing,” she says.

Milky Cones Vapory - Strawberry Short Cake Ice Cream

Milky Cones Vapory - Strawberry Short Cake Ice Cream
This flavor may sound like three desserts in one. But Milky Cones Vapory - Strawberry Short Cake Ice Cream is an eJuice flavor that satisfies both Kayla’s palate and a sizable amount of customers’ palates as well. “Clearly you can tell I love dessert flavors. This juice is great because again I can't have desserts. In all of my years vaping its rare to find a juice that satisfies my sweet tooth. This one is a winner!” she says.

That’s all for our Top 5 Staff Picks on Through, 9/17 11:59 PM PST, you can get 30% Off Kayla’s favorite flavors* with code staffpicks30. Don’t miss out! What flavors do you like? Let us know in the comments below!


*$15 minimum spend required. Code valid through 9/17 11:59 PM PST. Discount applies to Halcyon, Rockt Punch, Neon Bacon, Beard Vape Co and Milky Cones Vapory collections only.

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