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Safety Vaping – About Summer, Going Out, Etc.

Safety Vaping – About Summer, Going Out, Etc.

Authored by: Alexandre P. Pinto


“Summer's ready

Summer is ready when you are

I like all the different people”

Summer is here, at this moment.

I always remember that old song from The Breeders, where they sing about getting ready for when Summer arrives, so you can spend lots of time out, and meet not only new people, but also try new things.

Parties, concerts, festivals, new songs to be remembered in the future--Time to go abroad, and find new cultures. New people, even your better half… who knows?

With relation to vaping, there is always a stand-out company which brings us something new--either a mod or a tank; a new mixologist may wait for this time to put new fruit juices on the market (there are a LOT going on, now).

Regarding Vape Media, has been improving their blog and making it mcuh more interactive by asking people to write about their experiences and expertise. So here I am.


It is hot out, the weather is amazing, and you don’t want to stay home (at least not all the time) watching the latest review on YouTube, either for a juice, a mod or RDA, RTA, etc.

It is time to live the life as it should always be, and life is outside.

Prepare your gear:

Make sure your batteries are fully charged; it is better to have some protection for the extra batteries you are going to take with you. Do not, under any circumstances, take batteries in your pocket without any kind of protection. Moreover, reserve a pocket just for batteries, without any other object like keys, for example.

Juices – Sometimes you just want some mint puffs, but you are in love with some fruit flavor. No problem – take both with you. Fill your tank, and carry your extra eJuice bottle with you. If you like backpacks, even better: you can carry as much juice you want for a more satisfying experience. I truly recommend Chubby Gorilla Bottles--always a very secure way to transport juices.

Mod –I’m a true enthusiast of DNA chip, and I always carry my 3 battery mod with me when I’m running some errands. When I have the opportunity, I’ll bring my DNA squonk. Sometimes, just one is enough, but we always want more. If this is your case, get an extra one. Maybe it is even better to carry an extra pair of batteries – that depends on you.

Tanks – What is better? Maybe a tank with some extra mm capacity, or an RDA, so you can enjoy more flavor? If you have a Chubby Gorilla Bottle, maybe it would be easier to drip your RDA. It’s also great to refill tanks.

The most important thing is your safety, and to have fun – always keep this in your mind.

Behavior when outside:

Traditional Media is always seeking to accuse vaping, in general, of something sinister. Don't be the one who gives them a motive. If you’re indoors (club, theatre, mall), follow the rules for smokers, and always vape when is permitted. Try to avoid stealth vaping on that premises.

When vaping amongst a group of people (either smokers or nonsmokers), try not to blow massive vapor clouds onto their faces. The best way, when in this situation, is to blow your clouds down. Your attitude is what counts for those people.

We discussed about drip tips on another blog entry, and if you feel people may be interested in try your juice or something like this, carry an extra drip tip, so you minimize your risks. If you are travelling abroad, try to become familiar with the vape laws in the countries you would like to visit.

In Europe we have the TPD, which means juice bottles are super small (10ml), and nicotine permitted is up to 20mg; in some countries, you can buy online, and in other countries you might not be able to try juices on vape shops. For more information check, and go straight to Article 20, specific for Electronic Cigarettes. Also, there is a nice Reddit thread, explaining by country what is permitted. And you can find a summary here.

Germany, Poland and Austria, are really tough. Spain and Portugal are really soft, and Italy and UK are in the middle.

In summary – you can vape, once it is treated as smoking. If there is a vape shop around, you are safe to buy juices, but cannot try them in the vape shop. I visited almost every country in South America as a Vaper, and never got any problems with local law. A good point to state is that I always carried my juice.

In Mexico I could visit one or two vapes hops in Mexico City, and in Cuba I could vape freely, except when cigars were not permitted.

Always do good research before travelling, and you will be safe. The rules are simple:

First, always think about your own safety. YOU come first, always, no matter what.

Then, try to read a lot about what you are using, and if travelling, how local law treats vaping – the more, the better.

Summer is here. Enjoy it like it is the first one of your life!


I would like to thank for the opportunity to write for so incredible audience. I hope you enjoyed the tips – they were written thinking of you and your safety, above all.

Carpe Diem,


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