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🎁 50,000 Puffs Rodman Playoffs - Click Here 🎁


Kav of the Tech team here at keeps the website running smoothly from behind the scenes. However, his passion for dogs happened in an unusual yet exciting way when he became the owner of Tsuki, a 4-year-old Siberian Husky.

“She was being given away on Facebook. I didn’t really want a dog. I asked my roommates if any of them wanted her. One of them, ‘Bob,’ said sure but he was going to be moving soon. The plan was to have another roommate look after her until Bob got settled, then come back and get her. Bob moved and since she was a handful. I also started helping take care of her. Of course, I started getting attached to her. Bob was taking his sweet time, a couple of months, so I texted him one day saying I am attached to her and would like to keep her,” Kav said.

Tsuki is pretty smart, even understanding commands in languages other than English. “My parents speak a different language than English so they mainly talk to her in their native tongue,” he says. “She still recognizes some of the commands they give without prior training. Not to mention, it is pretty easy for her to pick up tricks, though being the free spirit that she is, she would ignore commands unless a treat is involved.”

Tsuki is a huge fan of peanut butter, as are quite a few dogs. “She likes these hooves things with something inside, usually peanut butter,” he said. “She gets really wild when she wants to go out. It’s pretty easy to tell when she wants to go on a walk. She has the energy for days. Being a sled dog, she likes to pull. I just hop up on my longboard and have her pull me during our walks.”


Kav’s favorite e-juice is Polar Breeze by Naked 100 Menthol by Schwartz. That’s a pretty good combination, especially for someone with a dog known for its ability to pull sleds through low temperatures. The Siberian Husky’s double coat means it can survive in Arctic climates. Can your dog withstand the elements?

On that note, did you know that groups of Siberian Huskies transported antitoxin and helped save the town of Nome, Alaska in 1925 from a diphtheria epidemic? This event was popularized by the 1995 Disney animated movie Balto. We’ll be featuring more of our staff members’ dogs in Dogust, so check back for more content!

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