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DOGS of EJUICES.COM - Sonny Boy, Spencer and Sophia

Jonathan Saldivar takes care of all the receiving needs here at’s warehouse. He is also very generous when it comes to receiving dogs. There are three of them in his life: Sonny Boy, a white Yorkie Bichon, Spencer, a black Yorkie Bichon (and Sonny Boy’s brother), and Sophia, a rescue of unknown breed. Sonny Boy and Spencer are 11 years old; Sophia is around the same age.

“We got Spencer when he was about 3 1/2 months old with his brother Winston, who sadly passed away a little over a year ago. We've had Sonny Boy for about 4 years. We got him when my mom's aunt passed away. We've had Sophia for about 5 years. We found her wandering the neighborhood and she didn't have a collar or chip. She was so dirty at first she needed 2 baths just to get her clean,” he said.


All three dogs eat dog food like any other dog. They also love milkbones, shredded cheese, and pizza crust especially. “All three of them could be dead asleep but they dart into the kitchen anytime a bag of shredded cheese is opened,” he said.

Sophia, in particular, has become very protective of Jonathan and his family. “Sophia has become like our little protector. Whenever one of the other dogs starts growling at me or my family, Sophia will jump in their faces and get them to stop.”


What are some of Jonathan’s favorite eJuices? Django by 13th Floor Elevapors, Peach Blue Razz Iced by Cloud Nurdz eJuice, and Blueberry Flapjacks by The Pancake House by Gost Vapor. Each flavor is a bit unique, just like Jonathan’s dogs.

Did you know dogs actually sweat through the pads on their paws? Do you have several dogs just like Jonathan does? We’ll be featuring more of our staff members’ dogs in Dogust, so check back for more content!

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