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WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

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Before You Take Your First Hit Off That New eCig...

Before You Take Your First Hit Off That New eCig...

-Authored by: Hunter Phelps

We here at decided that this issue needed to be addressed, and that is the unknown consequences of the first hit on your new vape mod. Countless times I’ve watched people “give it a try” only to say they don’t like how it tastes to hit someone’s mod. There’s a very simple trick here that may keep your friends from being turned away from this great lifestyle choice after one bad impression.

The Hot Hit

If you vape and you have a friend who asked to try it, you’ve likely seen this happen. They tentatively put the mouthpiece to their lips only to begin firing and start breathing in gently only to end up coughing. This is the moment we, as vapers, need to keep from happening! When you allow someone to try out your vape, be sure to warn them about the heat that can come off a coil if you allow the juice to cook for a second or two before taking the hit. This can cause a bad first impression and may be the deciding factor whenever that friend considers using vape products instead of traditional nicotine products. Read our do’s and don'ts list below.

Do’s and Dont’s

Do: Warn your friend before they take the hit that this isn’t a traditional nicotine product, this isn’t constantly burning and you won’t get a gentle hit by taking a gentle puff. The juice is being superheated to turn into vapor and will quickly reach a point where if you breathe it in, it’s going to feel like fire in your throat. Tell them to put their mouth to the mouthpiece, and breathe in like they are trying to suck on a smoothie, a firm and consistent pull, and only after they start drawing in do they hit the fire button on the mod. This will avoid that super hot juice toasting their mouth, and will likely keep them from coughing after they take a drag. Remember, vape is a lot smoother than traditional tobacco products, so don’t be afraid of that first taste!

Don’t: Just hand over the vape device without asking if it’s their first time. We all have a responsibility as ambassadors of these wonderful devices not to allow them to have a terrible first impression.

Don’t: Let them hit your 12mg! Some of us are rocking a whopping 12, 18, even 25/50mg on their vape devices. We all know the more nicotine, the harder it hits. Take care to warn them or suggest they don’t try your particular juice because it could, again, give them a bad first impression!

Do: Give them your opinion. It’s important to gauge how tentative your friends are about trying vaping and give them your honest opinion, should they try a 3mg to start? Ask what flavors they enjoy and direct them to one of our handy blogs with our top 5 lists on those flavor types. We provide a number of excellent resources on our site to help guide new vapers to their ideal flavors and starter products.


We are all our best chance at helping people make the switch over to vaping. We here at believe it is in all of our best interest to make sure information like this is available whenever questions come up about our products and to provide the best tools to advocate our industry. If you have any suggestions that could help improve articles like this, or feel we have missed some key points here, we encourage you to reach out to us at and let us know. Thank you for being a positive influence in this community and taking the time to read this article.
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